BNCDF runs a number of programs in Bangladesh, accentuating its core values that have set to act as a priority. Health care, NCDs identification and counseling, community-based control, and prevention are the core concern of the programs. As we are evidenced that 80% of NCDs can be prevented by addressing risk factors like unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and tobacco use, our programs are based on these key issues. To enhance the knowledge and enlarge the engagement of people with the issues and solutions of NCDs, BNCDF has been implementing various programs.
Non-Communicable Disease Program (NCDP)
BNCDF in cooperation with Eminence is implementing a community-based lifestyle modification intervention along with adherence to medicines among diagnosed NCDs patients to delay NCD complications. The invention includes three channels: A) Stellite Clinic, B) Health Education, C) Home Visit. The project is being implemented within an urban context in the Mirpur area of Dhaka, Bangladesh among 100,000 population.
NCDs Weekly Cultural Program for Professionals “Gaan Not Only For Fun, Gaan For Cause”
“Gaan Not Only For Fun, Gaan For Cause” is A weekly cultural program started to support NCDs patients, cancer patients in particular, by ensuring the engagement and participation of policymakers, government and private organizations, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), health professionals, celebrities, media professionals, and other NCDs stakeholders every Tuesday at BNCDF premises. We are glad to inform you that, with completing a simple registration process this program is open to everyone who wants to support and contribute to the control and prevention of NCDs in Bangladesh.
Young People Virtual Program
In the Global Week (7 to 13 September) for Action on NCDs, Bangladesh Non-Communicable Diseases Forum organized a Day-long Program on 12 September 2021 to spread awareness among people and encourage the Young Generation to contribute their part for their Parents Living with NCDs. With the slogan ‘Let Parents not become a Patient’, a bunch of popular artists and personalities have joined in the program. To bring the ActOnNCDs movement as a Voice of Change, we are grateful for their participation and collaboration.
NCDS Awareness Spread Program in Saint-Martin Island
As a part of BNCDF’s endeavor for spreading NCDs awareness to the possible remotest places, a 3-day long awareness campaign was arranged, targeting the residents –Around 6000 People, Belonging to 650 Families- and tourists in the St. Martin Island. With an aim to create awareness regarding NCDs, we set out four initiatives: NCDs Marathon in St. Martin Island; Act on a Safe Environment- Keep the Sea Plastic Free; COVID-19 Prevention Awareness: Mask Distribution; and Cycle Rally for COVID-19.